THE most precise little thing i have ever flown. Nobody beats the Whoop indoors. With my lipos and the MWH middle motors i am still missing a bit of power outdoors.
Bottomline: Not sure if i would buy it again because of the price (expensive Inductrix and Motors)
Cheapo Clone of the Inductrix. Flies quite similar to the Inductrix, but is missing the Rate Mode. Will build another one with the new Beecore F3 Board.
Bottomline: Very nice to fly arround the furniture in my flat, but to less power to go outside or fly in bigger areas.
Based on my H8 Frame below, i made a slightly bigger version with 8.5mm Motors and Hubsan X4 Props. This time i chose a brushed F3 flightcontrol with an Frsky compatible RX. This bigger version handles my Eachine EF-01 Cam without any problem.
Bottomline: Don't fly it very often anymore, the H8 Builds are so much lighter that the provide better flight performance even with the smaller motors.
Latest Build on Eachine H8 Mini Components. This little racer tops all the others shown here in terms of Speed and Flight performance. Lots faster than the ductd builds and even more power than the bigger one with 8.5mm Motors. And this is still on Stock Motors, will upgrade to the Chaolis soon.
Changed the Roll Rate for acro mode to 1080 degree per sec (#define MAX_RATE 1080.0) this time and enabled the built-in expo in silverware. With some additional Expo in the Transmitter this gets quite near to what i am used to fly in my bigger Brushless ones with Raceflight and Betaflight.
Bottomline: My Absolute Favourite for bigger indoor Areas right now!
The very light custom H8 frame with the FX797T Cam makes a really nice outdoor garden FPV Flyer. Lots of power and impressively fast. Changed the Roll Rate for acro mode to 720 degree per sec (#define MAX_RATE 720.0). Requires some expo to fly now, but flips work just fine now.
Download the Frame plan: h8_public.dxf.zip
Bottomline: Frame out of depron was replaced by a harder but heavier version, as the foam befan to split up after some time…..
Get your Mini FPV Quad ready for $40. Add a small monitor for $36 or some really nice FPV googles for $80 |
First impressions of the new Eachine EF-01 AIO Cam were not too good. nearly 3g heavier than the FX797T and lots of noise and lines in the image when motors spin. H8 can handle the weight quite well and after adding a capacitor in parallel with the cams power most of the noise is gone. First Conclusion: Stock H8 + cheap Eachine EF-01 Cam and small mod makes a nice and cheap Starter Kit! If you can efford the better FX797T cam, consider buying that one.
2nd Conclusion: After getting a 2nd one of the Eachine EF-01 Cams, i mentiones that the PCD design of the cams has changed. The newer one does not have the metal shielding between the two PCBs and bigger capacitors on the power regulation which result in less image noise. Additionally the newer one is 0.7g less in weight. This makes the cam even better for the H8. Modded the stock H8 with a firmware flashing connector and removed a part of the top-case to fit the cam a bit better. Pretty happy with it now. Flies nice and gives 3:20min of FPV-Fun
Bottomline: Better use the new CM275T 5.8G 25mW Cam which is much lighter and this will make a nice small FPV Quad.
Parts Needed:
BUY THE NEW MODULE! - For those who don't want to solder - but who wants to do that at this price… |
This small and cheap module enables you to fly the H8 with nearly any Transmitter that has either a module bay or a trainer port. You can find the schematics in the gallery below. The module uses pascallangers Multi Module Code, but for Bayang protocol only.
H8 Brushed und X115 Brushless
FPV Splittscreen - testing the start-lights.
H8 Camquad - First Tests.
H8 starts at 2:30
So much fun outside with this little beast!
Eachine H8 FPV
Testing my FPV Modded Eachine H8. Still trouble with the recording, live image looks much better. First part flown with the modded stock H8, 2nd half with my new custom Frame. Lighter frame give to much thrust and causes trouble with the PIDs on full battery.
Eachine H8 FPV - Low Battery Mod
Ich garantiere bei meinen Bauberichten und Teilelisten keine Vollständigkeit etc...es wird aus den Teilen gebastelt die gerade herumliegen.
Bitte keine Anfragen zum Bau/Fräsen von Frames, Teilen oder sonstigen Aufträgen. Ich betreibe die Seite rein als Hobby und nutze die zur Verfügung stehende Zeit gerne für meine eigenen Projekte.
Bei einigen Projekten werde ich zu gegebener Zeit die Pläne veröffentlichen - aber auch hier lasse ich mich ungern hetzten ;-)
No waranties for completeness of any contructions, part lists etc.. I build from party i have just lying around in my workshop.
Please, No requests to buy frames, builds, etc.. I run this page in my spare-time and as hobby only. Want to keep my free time to work on my own projects - sorry
I will release the plans for some build at some point in time, but again, please don't ask for unreleased plans, i don't want to get rushed ;-)