

created: 2021/08 mod:2021/10

Litalina - Lidl Catalina

As my last Lidl Plane was flying fine, i had an Idea what to do with the new gliders i got last week. The Stonepit we are flying in each weekend has a nice small lake. After watching my colleagues water-planes last time i wanted something for the water as well.

Why not converting a Lidl Glider to a flying boat like the Catalina.

I rememberd that depron guru Hilmar Lange did some depron floats for different parkflyers in the past. After checking his website, i found the Chaton floats to be a good starting point. I modified his plans by cutting down the formers to match the width of the Lidl fuselage. The top was left open and everything else was cut out of 6mm Depron and glued together with UHU Por. I added some Belicel on the inside to get it completely waterproof. After everything was dryed, i trimmed down the top of the float to perfectly fit the plane-bottom. Some UHU Por fixed it to the fuselage.

Electrics were straight forward, 3 HXT500 Servos and an old FrSky D4R-II Receiver+BEC. The Motors and ESCs were harvested from an old quad i did not fly anymore since years. FUN FACT: When setting up the plane i mentioned that the ESCs were used in 3D mode before - meaning the can spin the motors for and backwards. That way the plane should be able to turn in the table and even go backwards in the water by just flipping flightmode. I waterproofed the RX, BEC and ESCs with Plastik 70 spray which worked fine on my quadcopter electronics before.



First Flight


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Ich garantiere bei meinen Bauberichten und Teilelisten keine Vollständigkeit wird aus den Teilen gebastelt die gerade herumliegen.
Bitte keine Anfragen zum Bau/Fräsen von Frames, Teilen oder sonstigen Aufträgen. Ich betreibe die Seite rein als Hobby und nutze die zur Verfügung stehende Zeit gerne für meine eigenen Projekte.
Bei einigen Projekten werde ich zu gegebener Zeit die Pläne veröffentlichen - aber auch hier lasse ich mich ungern hetzten ;-)

No waranties for completeness of any contructions, part lists etc.. I build from party i have just lying around in my workshop.
Please, No requests to buy frames, builds, etc.. I run this page in my spare-time and as hobby only. Want to keep my free time to work on my own projects - sorry
I will release the plans for some build at some point in time, but again, please don't ask for unreleased plans, i don't want to get rushed ;-)

modellbau/planes/litalina.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/10/10 von hermenj