Dismantled the defect XXS Lightweight FPV Quads and Afro 170 / Afro 170pro to harvest some parts.
Wanted to have a small simple frame with a simple exchangeable fpv canopy this time - AUW under 250g. This version is the 4„ Frame made out of one carbon fiber Tricopter arm from RCExplorer. There is although its smaller sister, the X 3inch Flat.
The Prototype was flying pretty good, but ended up somewhere far - i guess in a tree. RSSI Search did not really help this time and had to watch the voltage go down on the telemetry screen until the signal was lost.
After that was was lost in the forest, i started building a new one with the better Brotherhobby motors and a small 20×20 AIO Board.
Many many Flights and many many Crashed later this thing was still my favorite quad, indestructible and powerful - until it took a small bath in the pond Well, time for an upgraded AIO FC and some digital FPV.
Use Custom Betaflight for BF warnings on DJI OSD
# # diff all # version # Betaflight / STM32F405 (S405) 4.2.0 Jul 13 2020 / 14:28:11 (a7ec0aa) MSP API: 1.43 # config: manufacturer_id: JHEF, board_name: JHEF405, version: dfa09d94, date: 2021-03-06T10:55:26Z # start the command batch batch start # reset configuration to default settings defaults nosave board_name JHEF405 manufacturer_id JHEF mcu_id 002c003c3548500720313753 signature # name: JOH 4INCH # feature feature -RX_PARALLEL_PWM feature -AIRMODE feature GPS feature TELEMETRY # serial serial 0 2 115200 57600 0 115200 serial 2 1 115200 57600 0 115200 serial 5 64 115200 57600 0 115200 # led led 0 8,6::CB:8 led 1 9,6::CB:8 led 2 10,6::CB:8 led 3 11,6::CB:8 # aux aux 0 0 0 1700 2100 0 0 aux 1 1 1 900 1300 0 0 aux 2 2 1 1300 1700 0 0 aux 3 46 2 1700 2100 0 0 aux 4 13 3 1700 2100 0 0 aux 5 28 1 1300 2100 0 0 # master set acc_calibration = 9,11,-44,1 set mag_hardware = NONE set baro_hardware = NONE set rssi_channel = 16 set serialrx_provider = CRSF set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT600 set failsafe_procedure = GPS-RESCUE set ibata_scale = 295 set small_angle = 63 set gps_provider = UBLOX set gps_auto_baud = ON set gps_rescue_initial_alt = 40 set gps_rescue_descent_dist = 100 set gps_rescue_throttle_hover = 1270 set gps_rescue_min_sats = 6 set gps_rescue_allow_arming_without_fix = ON set report_cell_voltage = ON set osd_warn_dji = ON set osd_vbat_pos = 14675 set osd_rssi_pos = 2197 set osd_flymode_pos = 2151 set osd_crosshairs_pos = 14574 set osd_current_pos = 2342 set osd_mah_drawn_pos = 2407 set osd_craft_name_pos = 2255 set osd_display_name_pos = 117 set osd_gps_speed_pos = 2183 set osd_gps_lon_pos = 2444 set osd_gps_lat_pos = 2440 set osd_gps_sats_pos = 2228 set osd_home_dir_pos = 2383 set osd_home_dist_pos = 2414 set osd_altitude_pos = 2214 set osd_power_pos = 2375 set osd_warnings_pos = 14793 set osd_avg_cell_voltage_pos = 2355 set gyro_1_align_yaw = 900 set name = JOH 4INCH profile 0 # profile 0 set p_pitch = 37 set i_pitch = 81 set d_pitch = 28 set f_pitch = 86 set p_roll = 34 set i_roll = 77 set d_roll = 25 set f_roll = 81 set p_yaw = 37 set i_yaw = 81 set f_yaw = 81 set d_min_roll = 17 set d_min_pitch = 18 profile 1 profile 2 # restore original profile selection profile 0 rateprofile 0 rateprofile 1 rateprofile 2 rateprofile 3 rateprofile 4 rateprofile 5 # restore original rateprofile selection rateprofile 0 # save configuration save #
Ich garantiere bei meinen Bauberichten und Teilelisten keine Vollständigkeit etc...es wird aus den Teilen gebastelt die gerade herumliegen.
Bitte keine Anfragen zum Bau/Fräsen von Frames, Teilen oder sonstigen Aufträgen. Ich betreibe die Seite rein als Hobby und nutze die zur Verfügung stehende Zeit gerne für meine eigenen Projekte.
Bei einigen Projekten werde ich zu gegebener Zeit die Pläne veröffentlichen - aber auch hier lasse ich mich ungern hetzten ;-)
No waranties for completeness of any contructions, part lists etc.. I build from party i have just lying around in my workshop.
Please, No requests to buy frames, builds, etc.. I run this page in my spare-time and as hobby only. Want to keep my free time to work on my own projects - sorry
I will release the plans for some build at some point in time, but again, please don't ask for unreleased plans, i don't want to get rushed ;-)