Since i followed Sebastian End's "Elke" build and watched talla83 retrofitting videos i wanted to build a vertical/console style CNC. The dream of a really rigid UHPC machine or a retrofit is still there, but shifted into the far future.
Stumbling along ebay i found a cheap set of 6 used 15mm linear rails. That in hands and some 1204 Ballscrews in stock i started drawing around a bit. Just before ordering some 180x90mm profiles a friend provided me with a really massive Robounits profile with 200x100mm. Great! Had to adapt my plans and cut the profile in pieces, but quite fast it started looking really good i think ;_)
The machine table was build from 500mm of 240×40 profile, a small 120×120 profile was used to get the offset for the Z-Axis. All other parts were milled out of 8mm HPL, for some parts i had to glue 3 layers of that to get enough offset to fit the ballscrews between the rails. These parts will either be milled from Aluminum later on or i will order them laser-cut in steel.
The spindle will be the same as on my HTD-3M Belt Mill, as it fits quite nice to the 120×120 profile and i was available for cheap at this time.
Cutting the Estlcam touchplate out of 8mm Aluminum. 1/8“ single flute bit, 1500mm/min, 1mm per pass, 24000rpm.
Ich garantiere bei meinen Bauberichten und Teilelisten keine Vollständigkeit wird aus den Teilen gebastelt die gerade herumliegen.
Bitte keine Anfragen zum Bau/Fräsen von Frames, Teilen oder sonstigen Aufträgen. Ich betreibe die Seite rein als Hobby und nutze die zur Verfügung stehende Zeit gerne für meine eigenen Projekte.
Bei einigen Projekten werde ich zu gegebener Zeit die Pläne veröffentlichen - aber auch hier lasse ich mich ungern hetzten ;-)
No waranties for completeness of any contructions, part lists etc.. I build from party i have just lying around in my workshop.
Please, No requests to buy frames, builds, etc.. I run this page in my spare-time and as hobby only. Want to keep my free time to work on my own projects - sorry
I will release the plans for some build at some point in time, but again, please don't ask for unreleased plans, i don't want to get rushed ;-)